Welcome to the monster playground.
CREATURE FEATURE displays moments of dance between people and monsters. Monstrous creatures can be observed moving in an urban public sphere. While they are normally to be found in spaces aside of a society that has produced them, the monsters are now directly exposed to the viewer.
In producing their first film, the artist duo [mostly] harmless, together with four dancers, poses the question of what is labelled and perceived as monstrous.
Artistic Direction / Choreography / Camera/ Post-Production:
Anna-Luise Binder and Mira-Alina Schmidt
Linda Cooper, Sina Geist, Stefan Moll, Mira-Alina Schmidt
and Harald Schulte
Sound Composition:
Marco Gnuschke and Julius Kindermann
In Coproduction with Tanz-Arbeit Oberhausen (funded by TANZPAKT RECONNECT and the city of Oberhausen). Funded by the city of Bochum. With kind support by Kunsthaus Mitte Oberhausen and Kulturhaus Thealozzi in Bochum.

03.04.2021, 8p.m. Premiere online
22.04-25.04.2021 Podest 2.0 online 29.10.2021, 17.15h Kino Kulturcampus Domäne, Marienburg Hildesheim
31.10.2021, 5p.m. Kino + Nachgespräch, Kulturcampus Domäne, Marienburg Hildesheim
29.10-31.10.2021 STATE13, State of the art Festival Hildesheim online
21.07.-24.07.2022 “10 Jahre szenische Forschung”, “Schlingensief Kino”, Blue
Square Bochum